Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thing 30-Summary

Ah, the end. I did get quite a bit out of this training. Yes, I would "attend" another of these sessions. I may not want to use many of these "things" myself, but it's important to know they're there and how they were created.

I believe this took more time than was expected, and maybe it should have been broken down into several sessions. There was also some difficulty, at times, with sites being blocked and exercises not being allowed by the city firewalls.

Overall, however, it was a fantastic effort to bring staff up to date with Web 2.0. I applaud the designer and implementer of this project, I won't name names, but you know who you are. It was and still is a daunting task to get this kind of training to a successful end.

Oh yea, and I hope the training stays up, in case I need a refresher on one of the things!!!
Thank you for all the hard work and effort.


Cindy Hart said...

Congrats! You completed all 30 Things.

Thank you for participating in this program.

I appreciate your feedback. :)

eaglegirl said...

I agree with your evaluation of the program and hope also that the 30 things will stay available when we feel teh need for a refresher.